Tag Archives: allowances

Should you give your kids an allowance?

By Karen Richardson, HBOR

Kids with their expert piggy bankParents often ask me if they should give their children an allowance. The answer is yes! As our children grow and change they will have many different dreams for their future, but whichever path they take they will need to know how to manage their money.

You may have read Money Coach Kathryn Mandelcorn’s recent post about being the architect of your financial futureshe suggests people look at their  family history around spending and saving to understand their current relationship to money. Your children’s future habits are being shaped right now. The good news is you’re in a position to help shape them.

Of course not everyone sees that influence as good news. One of the concerns I hear from many parents is that they don’t think they are doing a great job with their own finances, so they shy away from “teaching” their kids. I say that’s all the more reason to make teaching their kids about money a priority! Kids are watching and listening all the time, so you are either actively or passively teaching them your attitudes to money every day.

So where do you start?
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Kids and Money

mm1Where did you learn about money? From school, from your parents, from a life of hard knocks?!

Well, you as a parent are the most influential teacher your child will ever have, and specifically the mom when it comes to finances, if you can believe that!

Often parents are overwhelmed about how to teach their kids about money. Where to start?

WHY do parents need to teach their young kids about money? Continue reading